
It's been a wild, rideless ride

I did promise I would catch you all up on what on earth I've been up to this last 8 years, given I simply disappeared so let's get to that shall we;  As you well know I moved to Stockholm, Sweden in the summer of 2016 to pursue a new role - I work in the tech industry and moving here has given me a much broader set of career opportunities for which I am truly thankful. That's not the reason I've been off the bike, mind you..  In early 2017 I began to develop some concerning health symptoms, diplopia, fatigue and extremely painful headaches for the most part. After a rigorous period of tests and pokes and prods I had finally been given the somewhat unhelpful diagnosis of Idiopathic Orbital Myositis. On top of my pre-existing conditions (mild epilepsy, alopecia and IBD) - this threw a spanner in my training and athletic routines. Top that off with several years of high dose steroid & biologic treatments it also led to me putting a lot of the weight I'd previously

It’s been a while…

An 8 year hiatus, that’s pretty unreasonable isn’t it?  I’m resurrecting this blog from the shadows. Oh so much has happened over the last 8 years and very little has had anything to do with cycling - for better and for worse. I’ve a lot of stories to tell you all, which we will get to in the next couple of posts but for now…. Hello, I’m sorry it’s been so long and I can’t wait to tell you all about the last 8 years.  It’s good to be back, and it’s even better to be back on the bike with new goals in mind.  I’ll be back very very soon with a “real” post ❤️ Laura x

Where'd she go!?

Alright, I've got a bit of explaining to do, haven't I? Firstly - apologies for having posted no update since winter! Since my last post, I've had a couple of trips to try track cycling (and subsequently fallen in love with it!), and have actually stopped racing temporarily. "WHY!?" I hear you scream! Well there are two reasons for this, the first being that after last year I felt I'd put a lot of pressure on myself, I'd decided in January to stop my programmed witch coach Mike Doyle for a while and train myself in my own way - so I could then include other sports such as weight lifting and running. My mind needed some temporary alternatives. The second reason being that I have actually made some pretty big life decisions and, as of a few weeks ago, am currently packing to move to Sweden - where I will be starting a new, dream job with Spotify. (OMG, I KNOW RIGHT!?). As I've been wanting to move, and do different things, and enjoy life a lit

What's next?

Off-season is now well and truly in full swing. Following the Mountain Time Trial I actually had two solid weeks off everything. It was weird, I normally have about a week or so, but two forced weeks of being completely sedentary left me wondering how I coped before cycling. I completely lost my appetite, lost some weight through what I can only assume was wastage and ended up trying to learn conversational Norwegian out of a sheer need to engage my brain. Thankfully, after a meeting with my new coach, I'm now back on it and enjoying a really mixed regime (including several different sports). I've also taken to training before work in the mornings which is leaving me with tons of energy and evenings to myself. It's great. I'm feeling quite good and looking forward to the winter ahead. A few people have asked me what my team plans are for next year. If I'm honest I've not been as focused on forward planning as I have been previously. My reason for this is I&

It's over again!

The season has FINALLY ended! I haven't posted because I've been so busy, life has not stopped at all. So I'll squeeze in a quick post of my results. There's loads to talk about, loads of ups and downs and loads of extra things I've been involved with over the course of the season - the biggest news I have is the launch of - which I've launched off the back of a group I created earlier in the year on Facebook. This warrants a whole extra blog post in itself really so I won't go into detail on that yet! I had a great season this year. I went, quite quickly, to a confident position within myself - where I found I was happy to put in and chase attacks, moving up where I wanted, sticking with the wheels of national elites and enjoying another step in my endurance capabilities.  Unfortunately while I had a great time, and gathered points throughout, I didn't make enough to move my license up for another year. I am pretty

VCUK PH-MAS Yorkshire Air Ambulance Women's Charity Stage Race!

Apologies, the gap between posts this time has been fairly significant! There was a reason for this! I was waiting until the VCUK PH-Mas Charity Air Ambulance Stage Race had happened. It now has, and this is my report! The event was based near Selby in Yorkshire, as VCUK PH-Mas are a Yorkshire based team, and so I traveled down to the 'shire the day before the race to meet up with team management, Neil & Nicky, and team mate Sinead. It's always nice to head to theirs as it's such a lovely part of the world - perfect, relaxing pre-race preparation! (c) Neil Hendry - what a wonderful bunch of women to race with! On the day of the race we got down to Selby nice and early to set up, including putting up plenty of banners in aid of the Yorkshire Air Ambulance - who our team support and who this event was in aid of. The YAA provide an invaluable service, if you have the time please do check out their site and donate if you can! The weather blessed us, with the tem

Woooooooooooooah we're half way there!

..and yes, I am living on a prayer! The season's half done and compared to this time last year I'm much more settled in to racing. Thankfully my form has started to creep in a little earlier and I've been getting some OK (nothing drastic) results so far. I'll be targeting races mid August now as this is when my next batch of solid RR's comes about, as well as some season finales in September. (C) the eternally talented Ellen Isherwood - check her out on Flikr! The half-way marker came this weekend when I returned to Pimbo this weekend. A large field (over 60 apparently on the original start sheet!) with some top quality riders in there meant it was always going to be one where I'd have to keep all of my wits about me to stay in a comfortable place in the pack. Some amazing leadership from our team mate Alison and some all round great sportsmanship from everyone in the team meant it was a satisfying race. I didn't feel quite as fresh as I have done o