The Goldilocks Problem: How to progress when progress is a limiting factor.

I mentioned in my post in October that I'd been struggling for a few years with an autoimmune condition. Thanks to social media I see more and more that "hidden" and chronic illnesses are something that a lot of us suffer from, especially folks born with an innie. I'm not going to go into the overall debate about certain demographics are more affected by autoimmunity, but I am going to go into what that means for me - a cyclist and someone who has a lot of active hobbies in general. I call it the goldilocks problem (there's already a few of those ). Since late summer I've been trying to ramp into a more consistent training model on the bike, focusing on rebuilding my engine. Along side that, I also strength train 3 times a week working with my very excellent strength coach, Sam at Pursue Performance . That's all fine and dandy, right? Despite being a bit older now I seem to still recover quite well under stresses, aerobic endurance isn't exactly some...