
Showing posts from April, 2016

Where'd she go!?

Alright, I've got a bit of explaining to do, haven't I? Firstly - apologies for having posted no update since winter! Since my last post, I've had a couple of trips to try track cycling (and subsequently fallen in love with it!), and have actually stopped racing temporarily. "WHY!?" I hear you scream! Well there are two reasons for this, the first being that after last year I felt I'd put a lot of pressure on myself, I'd decided in January to stop my programmed witch coach Mike Doyle for a while and train myself in my own way - so I could then include other sports such as weight lifting and running. My mind needed some temporary alternatives. The second reason being that I have actually made some pretty big life decisions and, as of a few weeks ago, am currently packing to move to Sweden - where I will be starting a new, dream job with Spotify. (OMG, I KNOW RIGHT!?). As I've been wanting to move, and do different things, and enjoy life a lit