
Showing posts from March, 2015


DONE! First races finally out of the way! What a weekend it was, too. I'm absolutely shattered! So I'll start my report from the very top... OUCHIES I travelled out on Friday ( Steam Packet boat, then train as usual) to meet up with some of the team & management. Exhaustion from plodding around the country on boats and trains is commonplace for me so it was a welcome change to my usual routine that I'd be staying at the team managers Nicky & Neil's house. You begin to realise just how much people who manage teams & coach riders pour into the sport, and it's evident more than ever in Nicky & Neil - it's inspiring, and very humbling, to see how much they really just adore bicycling, racing and the teams they put so much into. A brief catchup with everyone and some much needed coffee and it was a trip down to Club Energy of Otley to do a spin class! Now, we have to bear in mind Mooleur is rather new to fitnessy-type-things not least the