
Showing posts from February, 2015

Possesses a general lack of emotional suppression.

It's been 3 weeks since my last post, I've been so busy with training, preparing to move house and generally keeping on top of life...this may indeed be my last post for another 3-4 weeks as racing officially begins in just under 3! I've been umming and ahing over what to write about and thought, well, this time last year I was (over) thinking the up coming season and brimming with an eager anticipation..perhaps this time I might plan a little more sensible. Perhaps I might set reasonable goals. Perhaps I might just act the way I'm supposed to act, as if this were just a hobby, something I do on the weekends. then I thought NO. I don't care if I'm still not experienced. I don't care if I'm not yet that strong. I don't care if I've got no points on my license and I don't care if anyone thinks I'm shit or not. My goal posts have not changed, in fact if anything my desire to achieve the most I possibly can is even stronger. I can