
Showing posts from January, 2015


Not really...but we are edging ever nearer to the start of the racing season and it feels like there is so much I need to get done, talk about, rant about...etc! The awesome 17 strong ladies collective & manager Neil. I missed posting again in National Obesity Awareness Week mainly due to being off-Island to attend the VCUK team launch. This was awesome, very pro, and we received a fabulous motivational speech from Wayne Greenhalgh, the boss at VCUK . We all left feeling very much part of something special, and part of an overall cycling family willing to accept and encourage all regardless of status or level. It's exciting! After arriving there was a formal introduction of each team which included a quick Q&A session. Some photographs and of course - CAKE. It was lovely to see families and friends arrive to support their respective participants. Again the event overall promoted the idea of the VCUK concept being very much a community driven, development base

National Obesity Awareness Week

This week it's National Obesity Awareness Week - this is the first of a couple of important blogs I'd like to share with you over the course of the week, as this subject is as important as covering other health issues and directly affects such a huge proportion of our population that it's not something I feel should be ignored. Me during my more...hazy..days. Now, when I talk about this with some people nowadays I find the reception uneasy, in that I guess now that I've lost a lot of weight and am no longer new to any sport people seem to look at me and judge "what would you know about weight problems" - that statement might come across as unnecessarily egotistical and while it's not meant to at all it's also completely true. In fact, frequently people even say this to me. Meeting one of my favourite DJ's "back in the day" ..actually during my unhappiest times So why would I be interested in this subject? How could I, clad i