
Showing posts from December, 2014

Yet another HNY!

Here it is! The final post of 2014. Where did that go!? It all happened rather I'm going to post my stats and some favourite moments on the bike. Training is going great, and after a couple of years of testing the water I finally think the time has come to start properly playing the game. Roll on 2015... it's going to be a good one! Before I continue I'd just like express my thanks to the following people who've supported me this year; David, my amazing boyfriend. Jamie at RPC Coaching . Bex and Alex, my inspiring team mates. Merlin Cycles for the kit and bike and finally the Manx Viking Wheelers for all their support both of myself and our local, awesome, cycling scene. This year had slightly less hours, and a few less miles, some ups and some downs, but every minute spent on that bike was superior to that of 2013 - long may this trend continue... Total distance ridden was 4668 miles... 433 hours (recorded) on the saddle.... Aro

What's the plan, Stan?

NEWS FLASH - check out the new look blog!! It's in keeping with our new team kit and website, PH-MAS VCUK Women's RT . I've been pondering over what to write about lately - a holiday and two fairly severe bouts of sickness have meant my base mileage this winter has been somewhat "gappy" - albeit the miles I've done have been good quality, so I'm not feeling too down about it. I'm still waiting on my hand built wheels for my MTB so that project is on hold, and I've a couple of more politically orientated posts to draft out but I'm saving them for a rainy day. Anyway, let's get on with it... (C) Bed.3 Day photographer! HILLS! GGURNNN. When September comes around nowadays, I always feel excited - mainly because I'm going to have a little break, some lie-ins, some evenings to myself and most importantly, some free weekends. Every single year now I think the same.. "ah great, winter will be a good rest" - and every single