It's been a wild, rideless ride
I did promise I would catch you all up on what on earth I've been up to this last 8 years, given I simply disappeared so let's get to that shall we; As you well know I moved to Stockholm, Sweden in the summer of 2016 to pursue a new role - I work in the tech industry and moving here has given me a much broader set of career opportunities for which I am truly thankful. That's not the reason I've been off the bike, mind you.. In early 2017 I began to develop some concerning health symptoms, diplopia, fatigue and extremely painful headaches for the most part. After a rigorous period of tests and pokes and prods I had finally been given the somewhat unhelpful diagnosis of Idiopathic Orbital Myositis. On top of my pre-existing conditions (mild epilepsy, alopecia and IBD) - this threw a spanner in my training and athletic routines. Top that off with several years of high dose steroid & biologic treatments it also led to me putting a lot of the weight I'd previously ...