This time it's better.

I've been looking through some of my old blog posts, generally because I'm going to be hitting my third year of cycling in four or so months and have been spending a fair bit of time reflecting on everything that's changed since I first started back in 2012. Interestingly, this time last year I'd posted a blog entitled " No form, no fun. " - about my struggle to cope with base training due to the fact that I'd done too much for a newbie in the previous race season and ended up making myself a bit ill. This gave me some inspiration to write a bit of a follow up, as it was one of my slightly more negative posts...lolzies. Winter sun, does it get any better? 2013 was insane, I'd been riding a bike for just a year or so, yet attempted a full Feb-Sept quota of racing, as well as moved countries and rode from London to Paris at a pace I genuinely wasn't fit enough to keep up with. Logically speaking, I was a time bomb, and at the time - while f...