Support a true hero...#rideforareason

Some of you may remember some time ago I posted about my true heroes of cycling, truly inspirational individuals who've battled through unbelievable challenges in life to come out on top and on the top of their game in sports. One of those people was a pal I'd met at the HotChillee events called James Golding.

James' recent life journey has been a testament to the  sheer force of human will. After battling cancer twice and being critically injured by a speeding truck in the US, James has overcome, nay, stomped in the face of these obstacles to become one of the most talented, strong endurance riders you could hope to meet. Ever.

He's recently married his beautiful wife, mother to their absolutely gorgeous little boy and while this may have given James a short hiatus in his crazy schedule of adventure, he's now back on it and about to tackle nothing less than a world record attempt.

My post today is to ask you to do what you can to follow and support James and his team in this monumental attempt, this is a guy who has literally defied all odds. Support MacMillan Cancer Support, who James has dedicated much of his life to after their amazing work with those affected by this horrendous disease.

Please check out his page on Facebook here; and follow #rideforareason on Twitter to track James' progress and spread the word of this fantastic effort.

It truly is humbling to have ridden a bike alongside this guy. Here's James' latest announcement....thanks guys! x
