It's over again!

The season has FINALLY ended! I haven't posted because I've been so busy, life has not stopped at all.

So I'll squeeze in a quick post of my results. There's loads to talk about, loads of ups and downs and loads of extra things I've been involved with over the course of the season - the biggest news I have is the launch of - which I've launched off the back of a group I created earlier in the year on Facebook. This warrants a whole extra blog post in itself really so I won't go into detail on that yet!

I had a great season this year. I went, quite quickly, to a confident position within myself - where I found I was happy to put in and chase attacks, moving up where I wanted, sticking with the wheels of national elites and enjoying another step in my endurance capabilities. 

Unfortunately while I had a great time, and gathered points throughout, I didn't make enough to move my license up for another year. I am pretty gutted about this - but also happy to take it on the chin. Living on the Island is hard work when you're racing across twice a month. It's hard on your energy as much as it is on your bank account. For that reason I'm happy not to punish myself for not moving up - I know what I'm capable of, and I know what I need to do to fix it for next season. It's all good. 

So without further ado, here's my seasons results - I actually thought I'd done more than this, I feel like I'd done more at least! 

It's a mixed bag but generally it's been my most consistent year - sticking somewhere near mid pack for most of the women's races I've been doing, and improving all the while in the TLI races for men and women. Where results are listed as "unknown" it's because commissaires or organisers have chosen not to list outside of results that give points - which is, as you can imagine, a bit of a pain when you travel a fair while to race! That's just the way things work I guess. 

I'm really pleased to come out with a first in the 25 champs and the Mountain TT here on the Island. Hopefully next year I'll be able to work on the TT skills and get some OK results in the UK CTT championships too. I'm still waiting on overall league results too but hopefully there'll be some positives there! 

I'm still not sure what my plan is for next season, but I do have a long term goal which I'm working toward. Big thank you has to go to my friend and coach for the last few years, Jamie of RPC - as of this month we will unfortunately be parting ways as, in line with my long term plan, I'll be using a Manx coach instead. It's been emotional! 

Now to enjoy some much needed time off the bike. 
